Remember New Year’s? Whether you made a resolution, chose an intention word, or developed a system, reflect for a moment to gauge your progress. It’s time to revisit your resolutions. Here we are eight weeks into the new year. How are you doing? I went strong for the first two weeks, then started to fade. The house needed dusting. The dog needed walking. There’s that new cookie recipe I wanted to try. Too many distractions. What I need is accountability, encouragement, and grit.
In January I developed a writing system. The problem is, I’ve eliminated step one—close the door and write for one hour every morning. Without step one, the system falls apart. So, how to get back on track? My critique group meets twice a month. But that means I slack off for a week and a half then work furiously to pull something together in time for our meeting. I need an accountability partner. Someone I can check in with more than twice a month who will keep me on track. It doesn’t even have to be a writer—but if you chose a writer as your buddy, you can check in on them too!
In addition to an accountability partner, seek out encouragement and positive feedback. Critique groups are ideal for this. But don’t forget to mention your writing progress to friends and family. I am continually surprised by the interest people show in my writing. It’s a solitary activity and I forget that anyone cares. But my friends know it’s something I do, the way other people knit or raise chickens. They ask how my writing is going or if I’m working on anything new, and that recognition alone is encouraging. Plus, it’s an excuse for us to grab a cup of coffee or ice cream to celebrate when I’ve completed a project or finally submitted a piece for publication.
Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance that drives toward a goal. Successful writers have grit. It helps keep their butt in the chair, submit in the face of rejection, and believe what they are doing is worthwhile. So, take some time to revisit your resolutions. Whether you need accountability, encouragement, grit or any combination of the three, now is the time to buckle down if you want to keep your resolutions.
One Comment
Karen Stroud
Mary, thanks for sharing your writing, ideas, and encouragement.
I will be recommitting to my personal goals to succeed.