student and emerging writers

Welcome !

Thanks for visiting Find your writing nerd. In today’s post I want to tell you who this blog is for and what you can get out of it.

I started this blog to encourage student and emerging writers. If you are a student, you have to write in school all the time. You don’t always get to choose what to write about. At Find your writing nerd you can pick your topic, learn about the ‘rules’ for writing, and access writer resources. There’s even an ask me about tab. The how to write section is divided into story and report.

Story writing goes by many names. Your teacher might call it narrative, descriptive, or creative writing. It can be something that really happened (nonfiction) or something you made up (fiction). Find your writing nerd will give you the tools you need to put your story on paper (or screen). If you’re completing an assignment for school, Find your writing nerd is a great place to review what every story should have. There’s also a writing resources tab with links to helpful sites for writers.

Maybe you’re not a student, just a writer who needs to build confidence. You can do it! Writing takes practice, and Find your writing nerd is the perfect place to learn the basics. If you’re not a student I suggest you set aside time for writing. It could be daily, every other day, weekly, or whatever fits into your schedule. Successful writers write, so schedule your writing time.

Whether you’re a student or an emerging writer I invite you to visit this site often. In the meantime, keep writing!