• tool box, analogy, tools, word prompts, unfinished projects
    writing craft

    The Writer’s Toolbox

    An analogy is a comparison used to explain something. The simplest form of analogy takes this format: word is to sentence as chapter is to book. You may have seen it expressed this way Word : sentence :: chapter : book This comparison is easy to understand because we are familiar with words in sentences, and chapters in books. Analogy Teachers often use analogies to explain complex concepts or procedures. A kindergarten teacher may compare the United States to a school building, explaining that each state is like a classroom. Every classroom has a teacher with a set of classroom rules, while states have governors and laws specific to their…

  • Hoof print in the snow, focus reader attention
    how to,  writing craft

    Hoof Print in the Snow

    If only I could focus reader attention the way my dog focuses on tracking a deer through the snow. Wait, maybe I can! Remove Distractions Snow blanketed the ground nearly a week ago, masking the usual smells that Dusty loves to sniff on our daily walks. Shrubs marked by other dogs, clumps of native grass flattened by sleeping deer, and bird nests of ground dwelling quail were all buried by inches of snow. So instead of stopping at every bush, tree, and possible ground nest to satisfy her olfactory senses, Dusty has taken to shoving her nose in each hoof print she passes, breathing in what I imagine is the…

  • US Capitol, Congress, Senator, Representative
    how to,  writing craft

    Write Your Congressman

    Why write your Congressman? People write their elected representatives for a variety of reasons. In a representative democracy like the United States, your congressman acts on behalf of their constituents. Constituents include children, adults, citizens, and immigrants. Regardless of voting status, if you live in this country your congressman speaks for you. They are not mindreaders. It’s up to you to tell them what you think about the issues of the day. Succinct The most important advice for writing your congressmen: be succinct. Your Senator or Representative has thousands of constituents and likely receives hundreds of emails and letters each day. Save your detailed argument with facts, figures, graphs, and…

  • story ideas, something to say. what should I write, inspiration
    encouragement,  how to,  writing craft

    What Should I Write About?

    Where do you find ideas for stories? Well . . . there are plenty of places to discover something interesting or worthwhile to say. But to track them down, you have to keep informed about what’s happening in the world, brainstorm original ideas, and keep your ear to the ground for the curious, the weird, or the otherwise fascinating. Finding Something to Say Ideas for stories are everywhere. In the news, in that summer novel, in your neighbor’s backyard. Whether you’re writing fiction or nonfiction, an idea is out there waiting for you. Elizabeth Gilbert writes in Big Magic that inspiration is ripe for the writer who is open to…

  • persuasive writing, report, convince
    how to,  writing craft

    Persuasive writing

    You’ve heard of the power of the pen? I’m pretty sure whoever wrote that was talking about persuasive writing. We are surrounded by persuasive writing: advertisements online or in print; movie posters at the theater; social media feeds; book reviews; letters to the editor; political campaign ads. Anytime someone tries to convince the reader to their way of thinking, that’s persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is a balancing act. Essentially you are making an argument without being argumentative. Let me explain. Let’s say you want to persuade school administrators to keep chocolate milk on the lunch menu. The key is to acknowledge the downsides of chocolate milk. Then state your position.…

  • report, writing is personal
    how to

    How To Write a Book Report

      Book Reports A book report is a specialized report assigned by a teacher. Students often think of book reports as the teacher’s way to see if they really read the book. But sometimes your teacher will use a book report for other reasons. For instance, book reports can be a vehicle to teach writing skills. Compare and contrast, descriptive writing, cause and effect, even persuasive writing can shape a book report. It’s very important to follow your teacher’s instructions. All book reports will follow the basic report structure.    Introduction The introduction is where you will name the title, author, and publication date of the book. You also lay…