All good stories contain conflict. Sometimes it’s good against evil, or a misunderstanding that snowballs out of control. Sometimes it’s a humorous mix-up. Whether visiting family, traveling, or attending summer camp this summer, recognize the potential for great stories. Family Conflict What better place to look for conflict than within your own family. Sibling spats, In-law imperfections, and cousin capers all scream conflict. Some of the best family stories involve everyday events blown out of proportion. Think about all the ways siblings get under each other’s skin. Something as simple as a trip to the store can be the basis of a conflict-laden story. Maybe your in-laws are driving you…
Summer Writing Time is Here!
The summer solstice this week marked the beginning of summer writing season. It started getting light at 4:45 in the morning and didn’t get completely dark until 9:28 at night for a grand total of sixteen hours and forty-three minutes of daylight. Self-care It’s easy to let all your self-care routines lapse during the summer, especially if you are on your own while your parents are at work. What do I mean by self-care? That includes sleeping, eating, hydrating, exercising, and social media usage. Here’s Dr. Mary’s prescription: Get eight to ten hours of sleep a night; eat enough nutritious calories to maintain good health—not too many and not too…
Dialog Tags
Dialog tags are those bits of information outside the quotation marks that tell who is speaking. Sometimes called speaker attribution, they help keep straight who is speaking. The problem is they can also unnecessarily weigh down your dialog. Changing Styles What do exclaimed, replied, pondered, whispered, and chuckled have in common? They are all used to identify the speaker. Beginning writers may think they are clever to pepper these synonyms for said throughout their work. But these are not invisible words absorbed by the dialog, they stick out like a blinking neon sign saying, “Look at me, look at me.” A generation ago characters replied, exclaimed, and chuckled their way…
Good writers are consistent
Good writers are consistent. They follow the rules, proofread, and take time to revise. Lack of consistency can fail a beginning writer especially in point of view. Consistent POV Point of view lets the reader know who is telling the story. When your main character is telling the story, the pronouns I, me, and my show first person viewpoint. Third person point of view is when the narrator refers to the main character by name, he, or she. Why is this important? Well, in the revision process it’s important to maintain a point of view, otherwise you confuse your reader. Example: She looked like she was tapping out Morse code on…
Show Don’t Tell with Sense of Sight
The writer’s mantra show, don’t tell has an obvious partnership with the sense of sight. We show the reader what we see with our eyes. We see shape, size, color, direction, and motion. How best to show these? Comparisons Beginning writers naturally gravitate to the sense of sight in description. We are after all, visual creatures. Be careful not to catalog what you see: the big blue house sat at the end of a long gravel drive. This example includes size, color, and distance descriptors-big, blue, and long. While these all paint an image for the reader, the image is bland and without character. Instead, use comparisons to tease out emotional…
Sensory Detail in Revision
You’ve spent hours on your paper. You’ve checked spelling, punctuation, and grammar. You rearranged sentences to maximize readability and harness sentence flow. The next item on your list is to insert sensory detail to liven up your text. Wordscape The five senses are: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Landscape painters capture the colors, textures, and essence of a particular place. Gourmands combine color, texture, taste, and smell into a fine dining experience. In the same way, great writers use all five senses to create a wordscape. Okay, I just made that word up. My point is, in order to put your reader in the character’s shoes you must use…
Revising for Sentence Flow
With no sentence flow, Dick and Jane are dull as tofu. But that’s how I learned to read. It’s a wonder I ever developed a passion for it. Most sentences are two to six words long. See Spot. Spot is Dick and Jane’s dog. There’s a limited word list—this is Dick Jane Spot run house— you get the idea. It begged to be read in robotic monotone, and who wants to listen to that? Repetition may help you learn to hit a baseball, but Dick-and-Jane-style repetition just makes you want to throw up! Structure Luckily, I was exposed to other great literature: A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, Grimm’s Fairy…
SPaG is writer shorthand for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. It is the most basic level of revision. Most word programs have built in spell and grammar checks. They may even alert you to punctuation errors such as not using a question mark where you need one. Spelling Let’s look at spelling first. You may think spellcheck is your friend. Beware! Unfortunately your computer cannot distinguish between rode and road; sink and synch; or weight and wait. It is your job to proofread for meaning. The English language has hundreds of homophones, words that sound alike but are spelled differently. If you’re unsure of proper spelling look it up! Some homophones…
Quotation Marks
Whether you’re writing fiction, a letter to the editor, or a heavily researched report, it is important to know how and when to use quotation marks. Dialog In fiction, quotation marks are used exclusively for dialog. That is to say, they surround a character’s spoken words. For example: I shove the photo in Evan’s face. “Who is she?” I demand. “Alex,” he says, his face a giant question mark. And you slipped this into my locker because. . . ?” he actually squirms under my glare “You said you wanted pictures.” In this example the character’s spoken words begin and end with quotation marks. Anything outside of the quotation marks…
Writers Read
Reading can take you places without ever leaving the comfort of your home. You can travel forward or backward in time, sail the oceans, cross deserts, and scale mountains. Writers read with intention. We notice language, story, mechanics, and tone. Language The language used in science fiction is very different from the language used in romance novels. Get to know your genre by reading. A lot. No, I really mean it. The more you consume in your genre, the more natural the language becomes. Some books are written in a flowery style while others are lean and sparse. Some use similes, metaphors, or analogies where others use simple, plain language…