• promotion,  Uncategorized

    Find Fat Quarters

    Find Fat Quarters: A Patchwork of Stories for Quilters at local bookstores or online. It’s my flash collection of quilt-themed stories. It launched in May, I did an out-of-state reading in June, followed by a July book signing in Sisters, Oregon. I wrapped up my summer promotional efforts in August in Bend at a local author Saturday event. Herringbone Herringbone Books in Redmond, Oregon carries Fat Quarters: A Patchwork of Stories for Quilters. Look for it in the local author section just to the right as you enter the store. Owner Brandon Weimer supports local authors by stocking their books and hosting author events and book signings. In addition to…

  • self-promotion
    encouragement,  promotion,  Uncategorized


    Self-promotion comes naturally to those raised on Instagram, YouTube, FaceBook and other social media platforms. However, if you are a pre-millennial like me, you may find it hard to toot your own horn. Did I just date myself with that expression? Whether you are just starting to pitch your work or are a published author (indie or traditional), self-promotion will help build your resume. What do I mean? Resumes typically list skills, experience, and training or education with the goal of securing work. In order to get published, a writer needs an editor to notice their work. First, of course you need to have a strong grasp on writing skills…