• charismatic characters, wonder woman, superman, batman
    how to,  writing craft

    Charismatic Characters

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about charismatic characters. They can be heroes or villains; sometimes they are both. Love him or hate him, President Trump is a prime example. What makes him irresistible to so many people? Like all charismatics he has an over-size personality, a willing audience, and a message. Oversize Personality Charismatic characters are larger than life with confidence levels off the charts. They model attributes desired by their followers, whether it’s wealth, power, or spirituality. Stung by their peers’ rejection, these individuals channel exuberant confidence to cultivate a space where they are revered. This space is occupied predominantly by politicians, religious and cult leaders. Willing Audience…

  • Mockingjay
    how to,  writing craft

    Symbols and Symbolism

    Symbols and symbolism took a leading role this past week with world-wide protests of police brutality against minorities. So, this week I want to address symbols and symbolism in your writing. Symbols are a kind of shorthand to the reader. Without explicitly stating something the author conveys a message or a meaning. Examples of Symbols and Symbolism Let’s look at Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. Membership in Gryffindor symbolizes bravery and courage; Hufflepuffs are loyal; Ravenclaw represents wisdom; and the House of Slytherin symbolizes cunning. Each time J.K. Rowling mentions one of these houses, the reader instantly accepts the defining characteristic for its members. Because Draco is a member of Slytherin, there…

  • backstory and info dumps, info dumps, black bear
    how to,  writing craft

    Backstory and Info Dumps

    What are backstory and info dumps? Backstory is everything that happens to set your character up to tell their story. Info dumps, on the other hand, are a writer’s attempt to tell the backstory in large chunks of print on the page. Backstory Before you begin to put words on the page, you have a vision of your character and their circumstances. How many brothers and sisters? Do they live in a city or the country? What are their secret desires? Their fears? What is it about their past that drives them toward their future? These are all elements that make up their backstory. As a writer you may want…

  • Stories bind us, kids reading, dialogue, write a platonic relationship
    encouragement,  how to,  writing craft

    The Power of Story

    Stories bind us together. The best stories, whether real or imagined have a vulnerable character exercising extraordinary courage. Here is my friend’s latest:  The other day some ants came into the house. But I didn’t mind because they are the only visitors I’ve had in weeks! What makes this story so memorable is the universal connection we feel during this pandemic. From this two-sentence story we learn my friend is a very social person and that the restrictions placed on us during the pandemic have made her lonely. Vulnerability and courage are definitely on display here! You have to know that my friend takes great pride in her house and…

  • Covid-19, disinfect, health
    how to,  personal essay

    Disinfect Your Desk!

    Why disinfect your desk? Covid-19, of course! Let’s recap CDC guidelines: wash your hands for twenty seconds in hot soapy water; Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash; Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. It’s this last one I want to bring to your attention today. Frequently Touched Objects Writers write. I hope you’re keeping your sanity during this Covid-19 craziness. We’ve all heard the recommendation to wash hands frequently. But think about all the things writers touch. The keyboard. Mouse. The stapler. Paper clips. Pens. Pencils. A stylus. Tablets, phones, remote controls.…

  • thank you note, gratitude
    how to

    How to Write a Thank You Note

    We write thank you notes for gifts, exemplary service, and recognition. Most of us have dutifully written that thank you note or email to Aunt Nancy. Keep reading to find out what to include in your thank yous. Thank you Notes for Gifts What goes into a thoughtful thank you note? Always start with a greeting followed by naming the gift using a positive adjective and a specific detail which shows how you appreciate or how you will use the gift. Here are some examples: Dear Aunt Nancy, Thank you for the lovely flowers. They really brightened my day. Dear Aunt Nancy, Thank you for the birthday check. I will…

  • garage, spelling, hard g, soft g
    how to,  spelling rules

    Hard and Soft Sounds

    As a kid I knew the letters ‘c’ and ‘g’ had hard and soft sounds. I just didn’t know there was a rule that would help me. My go-to word was garage. The first ‘g’ was followed by the letter ‘a’ and had a hard sound. The last ‘g’ was followed by an ‘e’ and had a soft sound. Today’s post will discuss spelling and pronunciation rules to help you pronounce new words and spell old ones. Hard C and G The most common sound for the letter ‘c’ is the hard sound. Cat, cost, cut, cry, Christmas, and clip all start with the hard ‘c’ sound. Maniac, titanic, and…

  • change, transform, prefixes
    how to,  writing craft

    Prefixes Transform Words

    Prefixes change a word’s meaning. Let’s look at different categories of prefixes. Some prefixes change a word to mean its opposite. Others change a word to indicate repetition. Still others refer to quantity or position in time, movement, size or are related to science or medicine in some way. Opposites One of the first prefixes I learned was un. It is probably the simplest way to change a word to its polar opposite. Comfortable becomes uncomfortable, believable becomes unbelievable. In fact, people will understand your meaning even when you use it to create words that don’t exist. I’m thinking of the words undead and uncool. Another common prefix for the…

  • vocabulary, a writer's building blocks
    encouragement,  how to,  Uncategorized,  writing craft

    Vocabulary, Building Blocks for Writers

    Vocabulary is a fancy term for the words you use. Since words are the writer’s building blocks it makes sense to build a large vocabulary. So how do you do it? Building Vocabulary Vocabulary can be specific to a profession, art form, or region. For instance, to a student, the word site will probably refer to a website, but to a biologist or archaeologist it will refer to a location. Medium to an artist is the material they use to make their art, but it can also be a psychic leading a seance, a size, or the way information is transmitted. And then of course, different regions have their own…

  • Hoof print in the snow, focus reader attention
    how to,  writing craft

    Hoof Print in the Snow

    If only I could focus reader attention the way my dog focuses on tracking a deer through the snow. Wait, maybe I can! Remove Distractions Snow blanketed the ground nearly a week ago, masking the usual smells that Dusty loves to sniff on our daily walks. Shrubs marked by other dogs, clumps of native grass flattened by sleeping deer, and bird nests of ground dwelling quail were all buried by inches of snow. So instead of stopping at every bush, tree, and possible ground nest to satisfy her olfactory senses, Dusty has taken to shoving her nose in each hoof print she passes, breathing in what I imagine is the…