• Stories bind us, kids reading, dialogue, write a platonic relationship
    how to,  Uncategorized

    How to Write a Platonic Relationship

    So, you want to write a platonic relationship. Where to start? First off, realize that platonic relationships exist in many forms. Understand that a platonic relationship is based on deep respect and care for another person. They can be unbelievably complex, which makes writing them great fun! Friends or Lovers? Write a platonic relationship as a non-romantic friendship. Typically, readers expect a man and woman’s friendship to evolve romantically. The romance novel genre exists to fill this role. In reality, some friendships are just friendships. People who share a work space can have lunch and have deep philosophical conversations without physical attraction. Members of clubs or associations can discuss their…

  • Levels of sharing, steps
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    Levels of Sharing Your Work

    There are three levels of sharing work, each with its own purpose. In this post I will talk about brainstorming, feedback, and publishing. Level 1 Brainstorming The first level is the brainstorming stage where you kick around an idea with others to see if it has any weight. Think of brainstorming as a form of prewriting. Maybe you saw something on the news that you want to explore, overheard a conversation that piqued your interest, or have the seed of an idea that simply begs to be developed. At this level, sharing that idea can help refine the angle you wish to pursue. When you nail that down, write a…

  • writing system, New Year, resolution
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    Create a Writing System

    I’m developing a writing system instead of a resolution or intention word for 2025. Goals are important but I gave up on resolutions years ago when I realized they rarely made it past February. Intention words are a newer addition to the January goal-setting tradition. They have worked better for me but honestly, intentions and action aren’t the same thing. Remember the expression the road to Hell is paved with good intentions? No, this year I’m developing a writing system that I WILL stick to. In today’s post I’ll share the purpose, the process, and the particulars of developing a writing system. Purpose This January I took a class with…

  • body language and dialogue
    how to,  Uncategorized,  writing craft

    Body Language and Dialogue

    Body language and dialogue play equal roles in communication. Sign language interpreters are engaging and expressive. While their hands sculpt meaning for the hearing impaired, their facial expressions drive home the emotional tenor. As a public official reads from a prepared disaster statement in calm tones, the interpreter punctuates the message with sharp movements and facial expressions that convey the true seriousness of the situation. Body Language When writing dialogue, channel the sign language interpreter. Have your characters jab with intensity and sway as if buffeted by hurricane force winds. Display emotion not only in facial expression, but with shoulders, posture, gaze. Imagine you are observing your character from across…

  • press release for book launch
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    Five W’s of Press Releases

    Press releases answer five questions: who, what, when, where, and why. Answering these five questions will help spread the word to your target audience about your event or product in an efficient, affordable manner.  Who Anyone with an event or product to promote should use a press release. Hosting a 100-year birthday party for your favorite aunt? Running an auction to raise funds for the local food bank? Promoting your new book? Start with a press release to get the word out.  What A press release is a statement to the media to promote an event or product. Nowadays the media landscape includes everything from print to digital media. Digital…

  • create a board book
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    Create a Board Book

     Create a board book for that special infant or toddler on your gift list. Board books are typically concept books with a single theme: family, animals, vehicles, toys. Usually, one page will have an illustration or photo and the facing page will have limited text-sometimes a single word. With durable pages and personalized content, board books are sure to be read and reread. Choose a Recipient I’m a long-distance Grammy. To create a board book for my new grandchild, I focused on photos of family members including those of us who live in a different state. Grammy, Grandpa, and Auntie are featured on two pages each with rhyming text. I…

  • author reading, glasses
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    Author Readings

    Author readings don’t have to strike fear in your heart. This post will talk about why, where, and how to have a successful reading. Why Writers tend to shun the spotlight. But the reality is writers are responsible for marketing their own work. To be successful, you have to put yourself in front of your target audience. Nonfiction authors reach their audience through interviews, articles, and presentations. Fiction authors will write short fiction, enter contests, do interviews, and yes, read portions of their work to live audiences. Reading short work aloud in public is great practice for when you publish that novel you’ve been working on. Where So, where does…

  • audience, school, teacher, boss, enter writing contests
    encouragement,  how to

    Enter Writing Contests

    Beginning, emergent, and published writers should enter writing contests. No matter your experience, contests are a way to hone your skills. Beginning writers will benefit from attention to SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar rules). Emergent writers can focus on crafting an entry to meet the requirements of a specific contest. Published writers will produce the most polished work possible including elements of tension, conflict and character arc. Why Enter? Writers at all levels suffer from imposter syndrome. Entering a writing contest is a way to validate yourself as a writer. It’s a way of saying I can do this, I’m a writer, too. Contests come with expectations including quality, word…

  • Christmas Letter
    how to,  humor

    How to Write a Christmas Letter

    ‘Tis Christmas letter writing season. When holiday decorations pop up like mushrooms after a rain, you know it’s time to sharpen your pencils and replace your printer ink. Structure The first consideration for your annual Christmas letter is structure. Will you organize it by month? By family member? By uncomfortable obsession? Many Christmas letters highlight one activity or trip per month. One drawback of this approach is figuring out how to announce a change in relationship status. Would a casual mention of your ex’s new address under October highlights slip by unnoticed? Organizing by family member is a common strategy. As long as you have something nice to say about…

  • Wired for story, language of experience, brain science
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    Language of experience

    Every once in a while, you come across a line so powerful it smacks you in the face. In the craft book, Wired for Story, the author Lisa Cron writes “Story is the language of experience.” Take a moment to absorb that. Good writing compels the reader to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel what the character does. In other words, the reader lives the words on the page. Limits Capturing the fictional character’s experience in words allows the reader to inhabit that character. Even readers limited by age, ability, and income can fall passionately in love, conquer mountain summits, and indulge themselves in luxuries they will never have in…