Levels of sharing, steps
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Levels of Sharing Your Work

There are three levels of sharing work, each with its own purpose. In this post I will talk about brainstorming, feedback, and publishing.

Level 1 Brainstorming

The first level is the brainstorming stage where you kick around an ideainvisible said, dialog tags, speaker attribution, brainstorming with others to see if it has any weight. Think of brainstorming as a form of prewriting. Maybe you saw something on the news that you want to explore, overheard a conversation that piqued your interest, or have the seed of an idea that simply begs to be developed. At this level, sharing that idea can help refine the angle you wish to pursue. When you nail that down, write a first draft, then revise.

Level 2 Feedback

After you have a self-edited draft, it’s time for level two. Getting someone else’s eyes on your work can be scary, so why seek it out? All writing can be improved.feedback,writing retreat. work, writer Feedback, also known as critique, is key to improving your written work.

Words are subject to interpretation. Even though you know what you meant to say, if it doesn’t come across as intended on the page, you haven’t done your job. Good feedback helps you polish your message. But, beware. When applying feedback, remember you are the final arbiter. You don’t have to use every suggestion, only the ones that make sense to you. 

Level 3 Publication

Publication typically means printed in a newspaper, magazine, or book. Find Fat Quarters, publication, levels of sharingBut for my purposes today, publication signifies a finished product. Whether that takes the form of a social media post, an open mic reading at the local pub, or traditionally published in print, this third level is when you share your work for public consumption.

Brainstorming’s purpose is to refine an idea. Feedback helps you polish a draft. Publication finally unleashes your work upon the world. Incorporate all three levels of sharing to achieve the best results.