• resolution, accountability encouragement and grit
    encouragement,  Uncategorized

    Revisit Your Resolutions

    Remember New Year’s? Whether you made a resolution, chose an intention word, or developed a system, reflect for a moment to gauge your progress. It’s time to revisit your resolutions. Here we are eight weeks into the new year. How are you doing? I went strong for the first two weeks, then started to fade. The house needed dusting. The dog needed walking. There’s that new cookie recipe I wanted to try. Too many distractions. What I need is accountability, encouragement, and grit. Accountability In January I developed a writing system. The problem is, I’ve eliminated step one—close the door and write for one hour every morning. Without step one,…

  • Stories bind us, kids reading, dialogue, write a platonic relationship
    how to,  Uncategorized

    How to Write a Platonic Relationship

    So, you want to write a platonic relationship. Where to start? First off, realize that platonic relationships exist in many forms. Understand that a platonic relationship is based on deep respect and care for another person. They can be unbelievably complex, which makes writing them great fun! Friends or Lovers? Write a platonic relationship as a non-romantic friendship. Typically, readers expect a man and woman’s friendship to evolve romantically. The romance novel genre exists to fill this role. In reality, some friendships are just friendships. People who share a work space can have lunch and have deep philosophical conversations without physical attraction. Members of clubs or associations can discuss their…

  • assorted chocolates

    Flowers, Chocolates, or Poetry

    With Valentines Day around the corner, have your characters express love with flowers, chocolates, or poetry. Flowers A simple way for characters to express their love is with sweet-smelling flowers. Whether it’s a single long stem rose, or a magnificent bouquet, the reader will understand the romantic intent. Special occasions have their own floral vocabulary. Corsages with matching boutonnieres for prom, nosegays for a casual date, bridal bouquets for weddings, and floral arrangements for important events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and retirements. The scent of a floral gift lingers and reminds the character of their lover’s intent. Chocolates Each bite of rich creamy chocolate reminds the recipient of their partner’s…