Sisters Quilt Show, Events
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Summer Events

This summer has been full of events for me.

In May, I launched FAT QUARTERS: A Patchwork of Stories for Quilters at the Redmond Senior Center.

This coming Saturday, June 29, I will be reading my flash fiction, Escape al Otro Lado, in Tempe Arizona for little somethings press

On Saturday July 13, I’ll be signing books at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. Look for me at Paulina Springs Books on Hood Avenue.

I’m excited to announce I’ve been asked to participate in Local Author Saturday on August 17, at Roundabout Books in Bend Oregon.

Click on the links above for detailed information. I hope you will join me at one or more events!


One Comment

  • Karen Stroud

    Mary congratulation on your successful book launches and upcoming shows. I’ve put your August invitation at Roundabout Books on my calendar.