• personal essay

    Memorial Day

    This Memorial Day I want to take a moment to reflect on those who served our country and paid the ultimate price. Fathers, brothers, uncles, neighbors, and friends laid down their lives a generation ago in World War II and for generations before them dating back to the American Revolution. Women have joined the ranks of the fallen in the Global War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Syria. We honor all those who served. What prompts a civilian to place themselves in danger, to stand for their country against an armed adversary? As one who has never served in a military context I can only speculate. Democratic Ideals…

  • backstory and info dumps, info dumps, black bear
    how to,  writing craft

    Backstory and Info Dumps

    What are backstory and info dumps? Backstory is everything that happens to set your character up to tell their story. Info dumps, on the other hand, are a writer’s attempt to tell the backstory in large chunks of print on the page. Backstory Before you begin to put words on the page, you have a vision of your character and their circumstances. How many brothers and sisters? Do they live in a city or the country? What are their secret desires? Their fears? What is it about their past that drives them toward their future? These are all elements that make up their backstory. As a writer you may want…

  • Stories bind us, kids reading, dialogue, write a platonic relationship
    encouragement,  how to,  writing craft

    The Power of Story

    Stories bind us together. The best stories, whether real or imagined have a vulnerable character exercising extraordinary courage. Here is my friend’s latest:  The other day some ants came into the house. But I didn’t mind because they are the only visitors I’ve had in weeks! What makes this story so memorable is the universal connection we feel during this pandemic. From this two-sentence story we learn my friend is a very social person and that the restrictions placed on us during the pandemic have made her lonely. Vulnerability and courage are definitely on display here! You have to know that my friend takes great pride in her house and…