• tool box, analogy, tools, word prompts, unfinished projects
    writing craft

    The Writer’s Toolbox

    An analogy is a comparison used to explain something. The simplest form of analogy takes this format: word is to sentence as chapter is to book. You may have seen it expressed this way Word : sentence :: chapter : book This comparison is easy to understand because we are familiar with words in sentences, and chapters in books. Analogy Teachers often use analogies to explain complex concepts or procedures. A kindergarten teacher may compare the United States to a school building, explaining that each state is like a classroom. Every classroom has a teacher with a set of classroom rules, while states have governors and laws specific to their…

  • Hoof print in the snow, focus reader attention
    how to,  writing craft

    Hoof Print in the Snow

    If only I could focus reader attention the way my dog focuses on tracking a deer through the snow. Wait, maybe I can! Remove Distractions Snow blanketed the ground nearly a week ago, masking the usual smells that Dusty loves to sniff on our daily walks. Shrubs marked by other dogs, clumps of native grass flattened by sleeping deer, and bird nests of ground dwelling quail were all buried by inches of snow. So instead of stopping at every bush, tree, and possible ground nest to satisfy her olfactory senses, Dusty has taken to shoving her nose in each hoof print she passes, breathing in what I imagine is the…

  • 25 day badge, nanowrimo, nano, 50,000 words
    personal essay,  Uncategorized

    Fifty Thousand Words

    Here it is the final day of NaNoWriMo and I’m a few words short of the fifty thousand word goal. Did you see what I did there? Fifty thousand is two words and 50,000 counts as one! Bumps in the Road I’ve been plugging away on my novel and even earned my 25 day badge for writing twenty five days in a row. (see picture above) But on day twenty seven I ran into a few bumps. There were the five hours spent shoveling after a snowstorm, then a holiday, followed by an unexpected family crisis (they’re always unexpected, aren’t they?), and a car stuck in the snow! Playing Catch…